インタビュー 英語版

“I hope to produce organic food which can give the impression of safety for everybody.” 〜She changed her job from a salesperson to a farmer〜【President of AGUMOGU Ms. Eri】



In this interview, we would like to introduce Ms. Eri who is president of AGUMOGU. She has been farming organically since 2017.

Eri, who had been working in Tokyo, moved to Toyama prefecture one year ago and has been farming organically since then. 

Emotenashi team would like to interview Eri, who chose to be a farmer, about her thoughts and fascinations of farming. To meet her, Mr.Tanaka and Mr.Ryohei went to “an archaeological site organic marche 2018” at Center Kita Sta. in Kanagawa Prefecture.

▼an archaeological site organic marche 2018

This marche was held in the park which has a Yayoi period, 2000-year-old site!

In the marche, you could study ancient lifestyle and wisdom, the state of present affairs in organic food and history of Japanese lifestyle.

As soon as we started walking in the park in beautiful crisp autumn weather, we found a lot of food and drinks that seemed tasty and healthy. 

” Today is holiday and weather is nice…”

We lost those tasty smells and had “a Karaage” which was made by soybean and rare German “beer”.

Mr. Tanaka said, “It is good to drink beer since noon haha.”

Mr. Ryohei said “Yes!”

Our stomachs were full. Then we started finding Ms. Eri….finally we met her!

President of AGUMOGU, Ms. Eri.

Now, Ms. Eri has been producing mainly rice and vegetables organically in a Yamada village in Toyama Prefecture. The day of this interview, she went to Tokyo to tell attractive points of rice grown organically to people.

―When did you start your farm?

Ah…I started my farm since last year and time has passed only ten months since then.

Before I lived in Tokyo and would go all around Japan as salesperson so It is my first time to set up AGUMOGU’s booth in a marche!

ーWhy did you change your job from a salesperson in Tokyo to a farmer in Toyama Prefecture?

It was a turning point for me to meet nice people who live in a Yamada village.

I had been wanting to produce something for human health and global environment since I was a salesperson. However, it is a bit hard to start something from zero by me, isn’t it?

When I thought so and worked as a salesperson in Toyama Prefecture, the people lived in Toyama accidentally said: “Would you like to try farming in Toyama Prefecture?”. This became the opportunity for me to start farming in Toyama Prefecture.

―Did you make this food ?


Oh! These yuzus were given by neighborhood.

I have learned so much since I moved last year from Tokyo to the rural area.

When I was entering the home, I found a lot of these yuzus in the entrance. Firstly, I was very surprised by that (haha).

Otherwise, when I was in my workplace, rice paddies, fields, I saw the old lady, who seemed about 70 years old, carrying heavy stuff. 

When I saw that, I helped her without thinking.

―What food do you recommend?

I recommend this miso!

This is organic food. If you use this miso, you’ll be able to make tasty soup without the stock.

And please look at this package.

I use the portrait of mine drawn by Mr. Tanaka in this package!

―Finally, would you send a message to readers?

I hope that you would visit Yamada village in Toyama Prefecture!

Yamada village has a lot of tasty food and it is excellent to bath in a hot spring under the starry sky. 

I’ll wait for your visit in Yamada village.

After this interview…

This interview was a great opportunity for us that we could hear about familiar rice from a producer. 

Eri became a farmer by the fortunate encounter. We felt Eri’s nice personality, and then we realized why she is welcomed anywhere. 

Once I went home, I made a miso soup with Eri’s miso.

▲She was so kind that she offered us a lot of organic food haha.

Thank you, Eri for sharing a nice time.

If I visit to Yamada village, I would meet her♪

<AGUMOGU あぐもぐ ~organic rice and vegetables~>



122 Fuchumachi Dojima, Toyama, Toyama


TEL 090-9146-6387

Mail agumogu3@gmail.com

-インタビュー, 英語版


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